"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." -- Colossians 3:16
Going to work I drive east in the morning, usually right directly into the sun. And I drive west to go home, and again, right directly into the sun. Going both directions, when there are no clouds, the sun can be blinding! It can be overwhelming, especially when the sunlight is reflecting off newly fallen, bright, white snow. However, lately, there have been too many clouds, and the sunlight and the blinding light have been hidden.
Driving to work this morning, I thought about that. The sun rises every morning and sets every night. The sun doesn't go anywhere...it is ALWAYS there! The clouds can change how the sun appears, but it doesn't make it go away even if it can't be seen.
Isn't God like that...like the sun? He is ALWAYS there. He doesn't go anywhere. There are times He shows himself to me and I feel his presence. There are times He is so bright and present in my life, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and gratefulness! Those times I am almost overwhelmed by how blessed I am. I can see God, hear his promises and really KNOW He is there.
And then, there are those times when I let the clouds and storms of my life cover God's light. I have trouble feeling his presence. I search, but I can't see him behind the wall of my worry, doubt and fear. I feel as though he has left me and I long for his warmth and comfort. Some of those times have felt like a long winter that just never seems to end!
But, just as the clouds part and the sun shines bright again, God reappears in my life! I am reminded of his love and power and I push the clouds of worry, doubt and fear away. I once again am practically blinded by the warm light of God's presence in my life and I sing His praises!
Knowing that the clouds come and go, but God's light never leaves is the hope that I hang on to each day. During those moments when I think winter will never end and I long to feel the warmth of God's light, I remember that this season will pass and the sun will come out again. This is wisdom that comes from experience...experience in God's light and love. Because God granted me that wisdom I can sing with joy!
Father God, You are my sunlight in the morning! You rise in my heart and warm me, even when the clouds roll in. Thank you for showing me your faithfulness over and over and allowing that experience to grow in my heart so I can call on that wisdom when the clouds hide your light from me. Today, may I allow your light to shine through me so another can feel your warmth and be led to your bright light as well. Amen