My sun porch

My sun porch

Friday, July 22, 2011

When the Spirit moves you...SOAR!

This week's memory verse:
"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

A few years ago, I flew to California for a conference. On the plane I had a window seat and when we were below the clouds, I gazed down at the landscape and marveled at God's creation. Between Ohio and California, there is a LOT of different terrain! Lush green fields; rocky inhabitable land; deserts and mountains and wide open spaces, as well as the cities and towns and farm fields. It was amazing to me to be able to soar over the earth and see the grandeur of God's handiwork!

I've been talking a lot this week about eagles, and being able to soar on wings like eagles above the trials and problems of life. In order to do any of that soaring, we first need to know and believe we CAN soar and we need someone to TEACH us to fly. When we realize we can't do it alone...that is half the battle.

God tells us in Zechariah 4:6 that our victory is won not by might nor by power, but by his Spirit.

Acts 2:17:18 says that when the time comes, God will pour his Spirit out on all people who serve him.

God WANTS to help us survive and SOAR over the troubles of our earthly lives. He wants this for us for our sake, but he also wants it to show his own show the nations that he IS God. He promises his people, the ones who believe in him, in Ezekiel 36:25-27 to cleanse them, to replace their hearts of stone with hearts of flesh, to put a new spirit in them SO THAT it is possible for them to live by his commands and therefore show the world that He is let his glory shine THROUGH them!

2 Timothy 1:7 says that God does not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love and self-control. (Another verse I repeat to myself over and over!) 

Paul prayed to God, asking him to give his people a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that they could know God better. (Ephesians 1:17)

Jesus, who taught us much about God's ways and his plans for his people, said that the Spirit, our helper and advocate, would live with us and in us and teach us all things and remind us of the things he said while he was on earth. (John 14)

If you want to learn to soar above your situations and sorrow so that you can see the grandeur of God's promises...know and believe that God's spirit lives IN YOU...teaching you, guiding you and giving you power, love and self-control. Knowing that...believing that...holding on to that promise will help you soar on those eagle's wings and give you confidence you didn't know you had! 

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