My sun porch

My sun porch

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Spiritual droughts...

This week's Bible verse:
"Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord." Psalm 89:15

I manage a friend's cabin in the Hocking Hills. People make reservations and I send out contracts and make arrangements. It is a beautiful cabin...set right up against a water fall. A customer contacted me yesterday, asking if you could hear the water fall running from the cabin. He said that he enjoyed the sound of natural water running and thought it would be a soothing place to relax and get away. Unfortunately, I had to answer him that right now, because of the drought we have had this summer, the falls weren't running and therefore that soothing sound would not be there to comfort him.

Don't we all have our own kind of droughts from time to time...spiritual droughts when we just don't feel like God is listening to he even there?

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God." -- Psalm 42:1

I love this picture of the falls at the cabin:

Looking at that picture you can see and almost FEEL the coolness of the inviting it looks! You just want to stand under it and get drenched in that cool, clean, refreshing water! Do you see the sun streaming down through the picture? There are so many trees there that the sun doesn't break through that often. That's my favorite thing about the picture. It makes me think of how God shines his light through the living water of his son, Jesus.

We all know the verse John 3:16..."For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

God loved us SO MUCH...he KNEW we would grow thirsty for him in this world because he MADE us to long for him! We have the choice to love him back, but he created our hearts to long for him. We may not know or understand that it is God that we long for...we try to fill that longing with many things in our lives. But, it's not until we see the light...the light of Jesus...that we begin to have that thirst for God fullfilled.

It has been raining for the past few days. That means the waterfall at the cabin will probably be trickling for a few days at least. The dried up pool at the bottom of the falls will fill up a bit and that comforting sound of flowing water will be present. The people staying in the cabin this weekend will get to bask in the beauty and comfort of the falls. God CAN make it rain our lives and drench us in his refreshing water and end our spiritual drought...we just have to ask.

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