"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'" ~ John 8:31-32
During this past year, I have been working with college students, helping them to discover who they are and what they want, all leading toward developing meaning and purpose in their lives. As always when I teach others, I end up getting more out of the lessons than the students. At 51, I am FINALLY discovering who I am, what I want, and learning how to use this knowledge to help myself and others have a life worth living. I also am currently reading Fierce, Free, and Full of Fire: The Guide to Being Glorious You, by Jen Hatmaker. This book has me excited and truly full of fire!
This morning, during my devotional time, I had a conversation with Jesus, who is at the heart of my journey of discovery. Many times, my daily journal tends to be a personal letter between me and Jesus. I don't think He would mind if I shared it with you today. (For my friends who are not Jesus followers and think this is a little weird, bear with me.)
You know me - the real me - everything about me, but you love, protect, nourish, forgive, and give grace to me anyway. You forgive me of my laziness, my lies to myself and others to make myself sound better, my anger, my greed, selfishness, self-centeredness, spite, and childishness. You forgive all that and other sins I may not even be aware of. Besides being thankful and grateful for this blessed forgiveness, it sets me free - not free to continue sinning on purpose, but free to love myself, despite all the bad things about me. You love me. I should love me. I was created in your image, right?
Loving myself and accepting myself as I am allows me to want to improve my bad traits. That doesn't mean I am working for your love and acceptance. I already have those. I can't earn your love, or my salvation by trying to be better. This work is for me. I want to be less selfish and more giving. I want to get rid of the childish ways I behave, especially when I am hurt. I want to be better, for me.
I want to be free to use my softness, creativity, enthusiasm, connectedness, positivity, and desire to learn, to be a better wife, mother, friend, coworker, employee, advisor, and leader. Instead of apologizing for those things, which I have often found myself doing, I should be proud of who you made me to be and use those strengths and values to make my world a better place.
It has taken me almost 52 years to figure out that this is who I am and need to stop apologizing and love myself! I have one life and one body. I need to use the gifts and talents I have been given for good. This body may be soft and squishy, (yes, I need to take better care of my body, and I am working on that!) but it is still powerful. My heart is also soft and squishy, but I have observed that the world needs a little more soft and squishy love, for there are far too many hurting and broken people out there who need loved on and accepted for who they are.
Thank you for continuing to help me and encouraging me to grow and learn. It is never to late for that. I am discovering that knowing, loving, and accepting the person you made me to be is in itself a superpower. I will use this power for good. This truth, your truth, has set me free to be ME!
If you are interested in getting fired up and ready to discover the Glorious You, you should read this remarkable book by one of my favorite authors:
If you are interested in getting fired up and ready to discover the Glorious You, you should read this remarkable book by one of my favorite authors:
Very nice! Very encouraging :) Happy Saturday!