My sun porch

My sun porch

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Peace on earth...just a dream?

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you." -- Ephesians 4

I read those words and I dream of a world in which all people tried to live like that every day. What a pleasant dream!

If you believe the Bible to be God's words to us...God-breathed words...words spoken by God to human beings he chose to write them down...then you believe that the Bible is filled with God's advice to us. Our Father is giving us advice on how to live a better life.

My father used to give me advice. He would boost me up by telling me I could do anything I put my mind to. He would tell me that life is full of hard work. Oh yeah, and he was very polically minded and shared those thoughts with me as well. He wanted the best for me...wanted me to be happy...wanted me to succeed...waht parent doesn't want those things for their children!

When I think of God as my Father, then it is easy to understand why he sent his words in the form of a book that has withstood thousands of years. He wants us to learn something from his words. He wants the best for us...he wants us to be happy...he wants us to succeed. But, more importantly than fatherly advice, God's instructions to us are his way of trying to make the world that he created a better place. He created this world and it was perfect! The he created humans, gave us free will so we could choose to live the way we wanted, and we proceed to mess up his perfect world!

If we read God's instructions to us, work to understand them and then work to put them into practice, then we will be doing our part in making God's world--our world-- a better place.

So...Today I am going to be intentional about putting God's advice into action. When I get angry today, I am going to stop and think and try to put that anger away...get rid of it! Malice - desire to inflict injury, harm, or suffering on another, either because of a hostile impulse or out of deep-seated meanness. Am I so mad at someone that I want to hurt them or want them to be hurt? If so, I need get rid of that too. Instead, I will try to be kind and compassionate to everyone, including the ones I am mad at.

Putting God's advice into action won't be easy. But the thing is...God knows it isn't easy. He knows we can't do it alone. God's advice is not empty advice. When we ask him to help us, he will. I know I can't do it it alone, so I am asking God to help me to be kind, compassionate and slow to anger today. I have the confidence and hope that he WILL help me and today I will succeed in following God's advice.

Perhaps a kinder, gentler world doesn't have to be just a dream!

Let there be peace on earth today and let it begin with me!

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