My sun porch

My sun porch

Sunday, December 25, 2011

May the light of Christmas brighten your day and your life!

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5 NIV)

Merry Christmas!

I saw the verse above on a friend's Facebook page yesterday and it was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment.

For some reason, this Christmas has been a strange one for really hasn't seemed like Christmas. I took this last week as vacation so I wouldn't be rushed and I could ENJOY this special time instead of being so busy I forgot the reason behind the holiday. But, as with all good didn't quite work out that way. I did get some rest and enjoyed some extra time with my family, but I still found myself rushing around and so busy that I felt disappointed and let down. I felt that there was always MORE I should have done...more presents...more giving to the poor...more time spent with my neighbor...more homemade food I should have made. A darkness crept over me in the last few days that left me feeling a little sad and grumpy...and when I encountered other grumpy people I felt even more let down by myself and the holiday.

But, this morning as I enjoy the quietness of my home before the rest of my family wakes, I think of that verse. The darkness did not overcome the light! The REASON we have this crazy holiday is to celebrate the light of the world! That light came into this world to save save us from what we do to save us from the darkness around us. My belief in God and his gift of Jesus lives in my heart provides me with the light necessary to shine through the sad, gloomy, grumpy darkness that this world brings! 

It's not about me and the MORE I think I should have's about the hope that God's gift of light brings to us. What a wonderful gift hope is! 

Let the light of Christ shine in your heart today as you celebrate Christmas! That light will last far into the rest of the year...if you believe in the hope that light brings, darkness will not be able to overtake you either!

Thank you God for reminders of your light and love in simple places!

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