My sun porch

My sun porch

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful happiness...

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have so much to be thankful for. That sounds so familiar, it almost seems hollow. But it is true! My family, my friends, my health, my job, my home...I have been incredibly blessed in my life and while there are times I may forget that, I know it and am so grateful and want to give back. One way I give back is through this blog.

I began this blog a year ago today. A friend encouraged me to share my writings with others. While I was unsure of this, I gave it a try and it has blessed me far beyond my wildest dreams!

For whatever reason, people around the world have been reading my blog, and several have commented to me. I am a very social person, and interacting with people is what keeps me going. Knowing that what I write has touched people warms my heart. God has worked through my words in the lives of others in the last last year...another wonderful thing to be thankful for!

My wish to you today is health, peace and a glimpse of happiness. The holidays sometimes can bring a feeling of melancholy, and that is normal. But, take a moment and take stock of all the many blessings in your life...even if you have problems and trials, I'm sure you will find at least one thing to be thankful for. What more can you ask for! Why not celebrate that and allow yourself to feel a little happiness?

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